Questions to Ask Your Local Mold Remediation Services

Room with Mold on the Wall

There are some home problems you never want to think about. Mold is one of them. Not only is mold gross and destructive, but it can also be hazardous to your health. Mold grows quickly, so it’s important to be on the lookout for it. According to Earth Web, mold forms within 24 to 48 hours after water damage or exposure has occurred. Here are a few questions that you should ask your local mold remediation service.

How Can I Get Rid of the Smell?

Smells can be one of the first indicators that you have mold. This can be a tricky one because often the smell may come and go. It usually starts in places where mold thrives. This can include humid places like attics, basements, bathrooms, under sinks, and behind toilets. Something that you can do to help take care of the musty smell is to air out your home when the weather is drier. Another great way to help control the smell is to have fans running in the area where moisture might accumulate the most; this will also help dry out the area.

For further help to get rid of that must smell, it’s a good idea to ask what kind of products your local mold remediation service suggests. You can ask for specific types of products as well as ask for their assistance in controlling your mold population.

Should I Get a Dehumidifier?

Condensation is a problem because it usually causes more water build-up than you think. This water can then run down into baseboards and window sills or molding. This is a perfect way for mold to start growing. A mold remediation technician can help advise you on what kind of dehumidifiers work in your area and what levels you should set your appliance to.

What Do I Do About Flooding?

If you’ve recently had flooding or leaking in your home, you can be at risk for mold. To be safe, you should assume you’re at risk and call a local mold remediation service to inspect your home. This way, you can catch the problem early and decrease the amount of damage.

These are a few tough questions you can ask your local mold remediation service. If you’re looking for help in your area, please contact Inovec Restoration and Construction today! We are happy to offer a free estimate and answer any questions.

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